Tuition Reduction Fund
Tuition Aid
Compensation Enhancement Fund
Benevolence Fund
9th Grade Washington DC Trip
Memorial Gift - Benton Wetzel
General Gifts
Capital Projects
Other Gifts
General Gifts
Funds that are raised outside of tuition are absolutely critical for us to be able to continually strive to provide the highest quality Christ centered education possible, while minimizing tuition increases, and being good stewards for those who God has called to work in this ministry.

Any amount helps further the work that God has called us to. God has taught us to rejoice as much in the small gift from a cheerful heart as the large gift, as it is all part of His plan for providing for this ministry.

Click here to learn more about the significant tax benefits of donating to Cole Valley Christian.

Idaho Tax Benefit for Educational Donations

By clicking on the GIVE NOW button below, you are investing in Cole Valley Christian Schools and making it possible to educate the next generation from a Christ centered perspective.

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