Tuition Reduction Fund
Tuition Aid
Compensation Enhancement Fund
Benevolence Fund
9th Grade Washington DC Trip
Memorial Gift - Benton Wetzel
General Gifts
Capital Projects
Other Gifts
Compensation Enhancement Fund
God gives us instructions in His Word to care for those in the ministry. Currently, our faculty are paid well below the local market. Yet we have the most incredible, joyful, gifted and united team of Christ followers who have been called by the Lord to invest in our students. They choose to work at Cole Valley, not because they are not capable of making more money elsewhere, because we have very talented and capable staff, but because God calls them to.

Keeping tuition costs in a range that allows Christian families access to our school, while balancing good stewardship of caring for the workers in this ministry, led us to begin the Compensation Enhancement Fund. 100% of this fund goes directly to enhance the compensation of our faculty and staff.

Click here to learn more about the significant tax benefits of donating to Cole Valley Christian.

Idaho Tax Benefit for Educational Donations

By clicking on the GIVE NOW button below, you are investing in those who are lovingly pouring their lives into the next generation of Christ followers.

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